09.00-09.15 |
Opening by Chairman |
09.15-09.30 |
Keynote Speech by Mr. Riswinandi, Member of the Board of Commissioners and Chief Executive of NBFI Supervisory Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) |
09.30-10.20 |
National Economic Recovery Program for MultifinanceMr. Dikdik Yustandi, Managing Director LPEI |
10.20-11.10 |
Mutually Beneficial Synergy through Multifinance and BPR&BPRD CooperationMr. Joko Suyanto, Chairman of Perbarindo |
11.10-12.00 |
Mutually Beneficial Synergy through Multifinance and Fintech CooperationMr. Adrian Gunadi, Chairman of AFPI |
12.00-12.10 |
Closing remarks |